IT Infrastructures

IT Infrastructure refers to everything that brings to life a complete and optimised IT system.

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The architects of the IT world




High on the list of the multidisciplinary skills developed by Sferanet since its first years of existence is the creation of IT Infrastructures, provided as complete or customisable end-to-end solutions.


We can speak of a real architecture, fruit of the labours not of building designers in this case, but of masters of computer science.

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End-to-end solutions for your business continuity

Our solutions – all fully customisable – cover everything from the design of servers, networks and storage, to virtualisation, backup, disaster recovery and business continuity services, along with business analytics and document management systems, not forgetting customer service support and Cloud Infrastructure solutions.

An important component of our work is that of providing the client with an ongoing solution, ensuring they have professional support for infrastructure maintenance and assistance in the event of bugs and malfunctions.



The interdisciplinary approach is just the first of numerous bricks to be assembled in order to create a complete and fully functioning IT Infrastructure.

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