From an idea to the future

Sferanet’s story does not only consist of dates and stages, but of ideas and people. Together with a passionate and highly competent team, Sferanet acts as a spokesperson for the new digital age, where information and devices are at the service of man.

Welcome to the future.

Sferanet DWC is an Emirati start-up established in 2021 as a strategic investment within a path of internationalisation and growth of the Sferanet Group. Our mission is to help Gulf customers in their 360° digital transformation, as the sphere represents a solid in all its facets and “net” the strength of alliances.

Let’s take a big step back in time to explore the first traces of our business, which began to offer IT solutions from 2008.

In its evolution, through significant investments, Sferanet has become a company capable of leading its clients through the Digital Revolution, via complete System Integration solutions: from Cyber Security to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, and not forgetting Software Development and the design of GIS and IoT systems.

IT experts and engineers, but also researchers and people who are not afraid to experiment. We built our team as a collage of unique pieces, valuing both our veterans’ experience and the enthusiasm of our younger talents.

We want to keep our creativity, passion and Made in Italy genius, close, making them the leaders of our innovation, and advocates of a professionalism tailored to the needs of our customers.

We tailor Made in Italy creativity, passion and genius our strong point, stimulating our resources in the pursuit of innovation and bringing professionalism to our customers’ needs.



Innovation and quality are our main objectives, and we strive to achieve them every day. During our various years of activity, we have succeeded in certifying our reliability:

pmi innovativa

Innovative SME

because we have made a contribution to the country’s research and innovative development.


UNI EN ISO 9001 2015 certification

because we are committed to the growth of the company and the optimisation of its processes.


ISO 27001 2013 certification

because whilst collecting and managing information, we guarantee its security.


EcoVadis certification

because we care about the environment, ethics and human rights.

un global compact

UN Global Compact

Since 2022, Sferanet has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption


Our figures


Turnover 2021


Satisfied customers


Years of experience






Turnover 2021


Satisfied customers


Years of experience



